Usability Testing Plan

Link to Usability Testing Plan Document

Contributions of Members

Marty Ciszon
Personae Profiles and Details of Testing Scenarios
Matthew Pacholek
Coding of the Website
Drew Raab
Coding of the Website
Ahmad Rabah
Purpose, Questionnaire and Test Data Recording Form
Weisi Shi
Coding of the Website

Usability Testing Plan Results


Name: Patricia Rhea
Age: 48
Profession: Manager of Inn
Type of persona: Primary
Date and Time of testing: June 8, 2013 Morning
Duration of test: 30 minutes

Name:Abdullah Sheik
Age: 36
Profession: Professor
Type of persona: Secondary
Date and Time of testing:06/09/2013 - 4:30 pm
Duration of test:25 min

Name: Yang Li
Age: 24
Profession: Student
Type of persona: Negative
Date and Time of testing: June 8, 2013
Duration of test: Half an hour

Questionnaire Results

Primary Persona

Secondary Persona

Negative Persona

Initial Prototype Reaction

Primary Persona

Secondary Persona

Negative Persona

Test Case Scenario Results

Primary Persona

Secondary Persona

Negative Persona

User Satisfaction

Primary Persona

Secondary Persona

Negative Persona


Primary Persona

Secondary Persona

Negative Persona



Our primary persona had an easy experience in completing the test, finding the functionality easy to locate and navigate through. The only difficulties experienced surrounded the lack of some functionality having been fully implemented. Additionally, the main advertising banner proved to be a bit of a distraction


Our Secondary persona had somewhat of an easy experience completing the teats. User had some issues with functionality and advertising not being complete.


Our Negative persona had high acclaim about web design. Each step is easy to find the link location. However, some links are invalid because we have not add all the links.

List of Changes to the Site

Reduce the image size of the main advertising. It is too large and distracts from the site.

Provide logout functionality.

Add all links, such as registration, login, process checkout.