Usability Testing Results
Primary Persona Usability Test Results
Secondary Persona Usability Test Results
Negative Persona Usability Test Results
List of Changes to the site
Based on the feedback received from the Usability Testing results, the following changes will be made to in Sprint 3.
- US22 - Re-organize Merchandise Product Page so that the item description is easier to read. Image will be on the left and text will be on the right.
- US23 - Remove second and third rows of images on home page and replace with introduction text.
- US24 - Move Price above "add to cart" button for closer proximity.
- US25 - Add previous and next buttons to allow manual scrolling of the Carousel.
Contributions of Members
Sheldon Jones
Secondary Persona Usability Test
Melissa McElroy
Load content to team site, List of Changes and Screenshots
Jessica Niksa
Primary Persona Usability Test
Kirk Ockerman
Negative Persona Usability Test