Sprint 3
US21 - Create jQuery Mobile version of main web site
As a designer, I want to provide users with a mobile friendly interface that is customized for smaller devices.
Acceptance Criteria:
Client review of mobile site to ensure expectations are met.
- Create Newest Brew mobile page. - Melissa 30 min
- Create Blog mobile page. - Melissa 30 min
- Create Inquiry mobile form. - Melissa 2 hrs
Link to mobile site
Mobile Site
US22 - Re-organize Merchandise Product Description
As a designer, I want to ensure that the information on product pages is easier to read and doesn't hinder a user purchasing a piece of information. The Usability Testing Results showed that users were not very comfortable with the merchandise product information with the image above the description so the description will be placed next to the image.
Acceptance Criteria:
Review of the new layout by the client to ensure that it is more user friendly.
- Change layout of Merchandise Product Page - Melissa 30 min
Screenshot of before and after change was implemented.
US23 - remove images on home page and provide text
As a designer, I want the home page of Java Stop's website to be inviting and provide a clear understanding of the site's purpose to users. During the usability testing it became clear that the abundance of images on the site's home page was confusing. Instead of images below the image carousel, text will be provided as well as Java Stop's hours.
Acceptance Criteria:
Client review of the new home page to ensure that the text and image carousel convey the proper message about Java Stop.
- Remove second and third rows of images on home page and replace with mission statement and hours. - Melissa 30 min
Screenshot of before and after change was implemented.
US24 - Move price text closer to "Add to Cart" button
As a designer, I want to encourage the purchasing of merchandise on Java Stop's website and to make sure the shopping experience is easy. The Usability Testing results showed that users were having trouble finding the price of items when trying to purchase them. Moving the price closer to the "Add to Cart" button should reduce this confusion.
Acceptance Criteria:
Client review to ensure that the price can be easily spotted on the merchandise page.
- Move merchandise item price closer to "Add to Cart" button - Melissa 30 min
Screenshot of before and after change was implemented.
US25 - Add left and right controls on home page carousel
As a designer, I want users to be able to navigate content on the site at will if they should see something that peeks their interest. Originally, the carousel automatically scrolled the iamges and it was not possible to go back or forwards without waiting for the image loop to complete. Adding previous and next arrows will allow users to navigate the image carousel at will.
Acceptance Criteria:
Client review of previous and next buttons to ensure they work properly.
- Implement previous and next buttons on home page carousel. - Melissa 30 min
Screenshot of before and after change was implemented.
Contributions of Members
Sheldon Jones
Melissa McElroy
Post to Team Site, US21, US22, US23, US24, US25, Updates to Site
Jessica Niksa
Provided text for home page
Kirk Ockerman