Usability Testing and Results


1.1 Purpose

Our usability goal for is to make it convenient and enjoyable for people to do their grocery shopping online. We have designed our interface to be clean and intuitive for the user to navigate with the least amount of difficulties.  To ensure that we have accomplished our goal, we have decided to conduct usability test. The major goal of this test is to identify the usability issue within the site.

2. Problem Statement and Test Objectives

Based on the purpose of the Usability test, we have thoroughly investigated the Web site of for potential problems and have had users and potential customers do the same. As the result of this preliminary investigation, we decided that our usability test will focus on the following scenario:

·        The shopping cart: Will the user be able to add products to their shopping cart and view the total price? How do they find the process?

·        Login & User registration: Is the registration process simple and intuitive?

Specifically, we will examine the degree to which the site meets the following user needs:

·        Intuitiveness of the purchasing procedure and of identifying crucial information related to grocers and grocery.

·        Easy navigation (intuitiveness of the navigation elements, naming conventions, arrangement, and other navigation cues)

·        Easy registration: How easy and intuitive the registration process is.

3. User Profile

  While the resulting design of should ultimately satisfy all of the personas, we believe that the first step should be to satisfy the needs of just one: the primary persona.

  The primary personae user for was developed by conducting the persona mapping activity as well as in person conversations with the target demographic.

3.1 Mission and Goal‘s major goal is to provide users/customers with an interface or an application to purchase groceries online. We aim to provide useful, accessible functionalities to our customers by allowing them to order from number of participant grocers, pay for it online and schedule an exact time to pick up their groceries-already bagged and ready to go.

3.2 Primary Personae 

·        Age: 25 – 55 years old

·        Working professionals

·        With busy time schedule. 

·        Average income between  40-75K

·        Occupation: Non-specific

·        Novice internet user.


4.0 Test Design/Protocol

4.1 Introduction

Introduce team members and their role in the test session and thank the participant for their time. 

4.2 Consent

The facilitator will present the tester with an Informed Consent Form[1] that the tester needs to read and sign.  The Facilitator will seat the tester at the computer and make sure the tester is comfortable before proceeding. 

4.2 Product Description:

The facilitator will describe the product to the user. Provide general description of the application. What it does and how it does it?

4.2.1 Product Description Script for facilitator is an online grocery store web application. Users can view weekly deals, collect coupons, purchase groceries online and do all the things that you would normally do while shopping your groceries in the traditional way.  


4.3 Process and Purpose:  The facilitator will explain the Usability test process and purpose to the user.

4.3.1 Process and Purpose Script:

During the test, I will be giving you a list of tasks that you will need to complete. While you are working through the prototype, please think aloud and tell us what you are doing and why.  If you struggle to find your way with the prototype, please say so. You are not being tested on your technical or logical ability. Your difficulty finding your way around with the prototype means that we have errors in our design and finding errors is good. It will help us to improve the design of our application.  Please feel free to ask questions if necessary.

4.4 Questionnaire: The facilitator will ask a series of general question to the participant.  

4.5 Task: The facilitator will start by asking the participant to perform the first task. All tasks will commence from the home page or the main page of the site. The facilitator will encourage the participant to think aloud and say what they are doing and why. After each task users will be asked questions regarding the task and their performance on the particular task. 

4.6 Debriefing & Closing:

The Facilitator will wrap up the usability test by thanking the tester for their participation.  In addition, the Facilitator will record any informal comments the tester may make at the conclusion of the usability test.  The Facilitator will also answer any final questions the tester may have 

5.0 Task List 

The usability test for the first prototype of the site will include three participants who closely match our primary personae. The participants will be of varying age and gender.  The users will be asked to perform the following tasks:

a. Create an account: Participants will be asked to create an account at

b. Browse the Product from Aisle and put it in the shopping cart: Users will be asked to browse from Aisle and put the product in the shopping cart.

c.   Schedule a pick up time: After putting their product in the shopping cart, users will be asked to schedule a pick up time and finalize the purchase.


Users performing these tasks will allow us to see potential problems that the user experiences, as well as receive feedback on the current iteration of the website.

5.1 Detailed Task Identification (Provide Screen shots)


5.1.1 Create an account: 

Task Completion: The task is completed successfully if the participant completes the following steps: 

a)      Select login/register link from the homepage

b)      Complete the registration form

c)      Click “Submit” button.

d)      Expected completion of task 1-3 minutes.


    Fig 5.1.1 User Registration Form


5.1.2 Browse the Product from Aisle and put it in the shopping cart 

Task Completion: The task is completed successfully if the participant completes the following steps:

a)      Select “Browse by Aisle” navigation button from the homepage

b)      Select and click the category or type of product from the sub nav

c)      Select from the list of products and click get products

d)      Expected completion of task 1-3 minutes.



Fig 5.1.2 Browse by Aisle Option


Fig 5.1.3 General Grocery- Shopping Cart


  5.1.3 Checkout 

Task Completion: The task is completed successfully if the participant completes the following steps: 

a)      Select “Checkout” navigation button from the homepage

b)      User Confirm product and price and select billing option

c)       Select continue

d)      Expected completion of task 1-5 seconds.


6. Test Roles

The usability test will be conducted by Allan Sievert and Sumit Mukhia. Due to timing and schedule constraints, we will be conducting test separately or individually..

Facilitator:  The Facilitator will interact with the participants according to the Test Script. The Facilitator will not assist the participant in completing the tasks.(Allan/Sumit) 

Data Logger:  The Data Logger will use the data logging forms (See Appendix G) to collect specified data as the participant conducts the test. This date will be collected during the test.  

Observer:  Observe the test to obtain a global view of the participant’s interaction with and the usability test. 

7. Test Environment

The Facilitator must ensure that the testing environment meets the following specifications. 


The participant will perform the test on the Facilitator’s laptop. Specs include

·       Intel® Core ™ i3 CPU

·       4GB RAM

·       Windows 7

·       64-bit Operating System

·       Monitor resolution will be at least 1024X768. The images of site will be accessed using windows explorer and MS image previewer 

7.2 Test Room Set-up: The test will most likely be conducted at the participant’s home. The participant will be sitting in front of the computer and the facilitator will be monitoring him from the side.

During each task facilitator will be analyzing and gathering data. The data will be evaluated against the completion criteria.


Appendix A: Facilitator Checklist 

The facilitator is expected to have the following form or document along with him prior to the test. 

¨       Facilitator Script [ Project Description Script and Process and Purpose Script]

¨       Pre Task Questionnaire

¨       Post Task Questionnaire

¨       Informed Consent Form

¨       Task Scenarios

¨       Test Data Recording Forms


Appendix B Pre Task Questionnaire

1.0 Do you own a computer or laptop?

¨       Yes     

¨       No

  2.0 You consider yourself a

¨       Novice Computer User

¨       Expert Computer User


3.0 About how many hours do you use internet a week?


¨       1-3 Hours

¨       3-5 Hours

¨       5-8 Hours

¨       More than 8 hours


4.0 Have you ever purchased products online? 

¨       Yes

¨       No

5.0 What do you think about doing your grocery shopping online? 

¨       Excellent Idea

¨       Prefer to go to store

6.0 What age group do you belong to? 

¨       Under 18

¨       18-25

¨       26-35

¨       36-40

¨       41-50

¨       51 above


7.0 What is your household income? 

¨       10-20K

¨       20-30K

¨       30-40K

¨       40-50K

¨       50-60K

¨       60-70K

¨       70-80K

¨       80-90K

¨       90-100K

¨       100K+


Appendix C Post Tasks Questionnaire


   1. What are your overall impressions of the Web site?

   2. If you had to give the site a grade, from A to F, where A was exemplary and F was failing,    what grade would you give it, and why?

   3. Name three words or characteristics that describe this Web site.

   4. What are the three things you like best about the Web site?

   5. What are the three things you like least about the Web site?

   6. If you could make one significant change to this Web site, what change would you make?

   7. Would you return to this Web site on your own in the future? Why / why not?

   8. What would entice you to return?

   9. Are there materials you would like to see added to the Web site? Which ones?

  10. Would you recommend this Web site to a colleague? To a friend?

 11. Do you have any other questions or comments about the Web site or your experiences with it?

Appendix D Consent Form Usability Test Consent form

  I agree to participate in the Usability Test Conducted by

  I understand and consent to the use and release of the result of the test.  I understand that the information is for research purposes only and that my  name and image will not be used for any other purpose. I relinquish any rights to the test result.

  I understand that I can leave at any time.

  I agree to immediately raise any concerns or areas of discomfort with the facilitator.


Your signature:____________________________________________________  




  Please print your name: ______________________________________________


Thank you!


We appreciate your participation.


Appendix E Data Recoding Form



Task 1:  Register yourself with





  Participant Action                                           Notes


  login/Registration clicked





Task 2:  Browse product by Aisle and put products in the shopping cart





  Participant Action                                           Notes


  Browse by Aisle Clicked



Task 3:  Checkout





  Participant Action                                           Notes


  Checkout Navigation button clicked





Appendix F Facilitator Script:


Product Description:

The facilitator will describe the product to the user. Provide general description of the application. What it does and how it does it?

SCRIPT: is an online grocery store web application. Users can view weekly deals, collect coupons, purchase groceries online and do all the things that you would normally do while shopping your groceries in the traditional way. 


 Process and Purpose:  The facilitator will explain the Usability test process and purpose to the user.



During the test, I will be giving you a list of tasks that you will need to complete. While you are working through the prototype, please think aloud and tell us what you are doing and why.  If you struggle to find your way with the prototype, please say so. You are not being tested on your technical or logical ability. Your difficulty finding your way around with the prototype means that we have errors in our design and finding errors is good. It will help us to improve the design of our application.  Please feel free to ask questions if necessary.


Usability Testing Results

Pre Task Questionnaire 

Participant: Miguel Zarate

Profession: Investment Consultant


  1.0 Do you own a computer or laptop? 

¨       Yes     

2.0 You consider yourself a

¨       Novice Computer User

3.0 About how many hours do you use internet a week?  

¨       5-8 Hours

4.0 Have you ever purchased products online? 

¨       Yes

5.0 What do you think about doing your grocery shopping online? 

¨       Excellent Idea

  6.0 What age group do you belong to? 

¨       26-35

7.0 What is your household income? 

¨       81-90K


Post Tasks Questionnaire


 1. What are your overall impressions of the Web site?

I like the layout and functionality is very intuitive.

 2. If you had to give the site a grade, from A to F, where A was exemplary and F was failing,  what grade would you give it, and why?

I would give it an A.

 3. Name three words or characteristics that describe this Web site.

Organized, intuitive, and catchy

 4. What are the three things you like best about the Web site?

The first thing I like is the browse by aisle section. I like how you can select multiple categories to query for products. The second thing I like is the shopping cart and how it is accessible in all of the web pages. The third thing is the look and feel of the site.

 5. What are the three things you like least about the Web site?

I don’t like how some of the links to seem to work. Breadcrumb navigation is not working.

 6. If you could make one significant change to this Web site, what change would you make?

It looks like there is more work to be done as far as some of the links. Shopping cart could be improved.

 7. Would you return to this Web site on your own in the future? Why / why not?

I would return to the website because I like the idea of picking up groceries and the website will makes it easy to place an order for grocery pick-up.

 8. What would entice you to return?

I think the ease at which you can order groceries would cause me to return.

 9. Are there materials you would like to see added to the Web site? Which ones?

Yes, more promotional material showing item on sale and so forth.

 10. Would you recommend this Web site to a colleague? To a friend?

 Yes I would.


 11. Do you have any other questions or comments about the Web site or your experiences with it?


No additional comments.


Data Recoding Form


Task 1:  Register yourself with


  Time: 3-5 minutes



  Participant Action                                           Notes


  login/Registration clicked




Task 2:  Browse product by Aisle and put products in the shopping cart


  Time:  under a minute



  Participant Action                                           Notes


  Browse by Aisle Clicked                            



Task 3:  Checkout


  Time: under a minute



  Participant Action                                           Notes


  Checkout Navigation button clicked



Pre Task Questionnaire 

Participant: Anna Sievert

Profession: Executive Assistant 


1.0 Do you own a computer or laptop? 

¨       Yes     

2.0 You consider yourself a 

¨       Novice Computer User

3.0 About how many hours do you use internet a week? 

¨       More than 8 hours

4.0 Have you ever purchased products online? 

¨       Yes

5.0 What do you think about doing your grocery shopping online?

¨       Excellent Idea

6.0 What age group do you belong to? 

¨       36-40

7.0 What is your household income?

¨       30-40K

Post Tasks Questionnaire


 1. What are your overall impressions of the Web site?

I like it. It is very well organized.

 2. If you had to give the site a grade, from A to F, where A was exemplary and F was failing,    what grade would you give it, and why?

I would give it B+.

 3. Name three words or characteristics that describe this Web site.

Fun, catchy, and bright.

 4. What are the three things you like best about the Web site?

I like how easy you can select products. Shopping cart and checkout process is fast. I like how everything is laid out.

 5. What are the three things you like least about the Web site?

I think the website is still being worked on so keep up the good work. I’m sure you will improve the functionality with My Accounts and Grocer.

 6. If you could make one significant change to this Web site, what change would you make?

Perhaps more content. I was clicking some categories but there weren’t products listed.

 7. Would you return to this Web site on your own in the future? Why / why not?

Sure. I could use a convenience like this in the future.

 8. What would entice you to return?

I think the easy ordering process and the concept of grocery pick-up.

 9. Are there materials you would like to see added to the Web site? Which ones?

Just more functionality as it is incomplete at this time.

10. Would you recommend this Web site to a colleague? To a friend?

Most definitely.

 11. Do you have any other questions or comments about the Web site or your experiences with it?

I really think you should make this a real life business.


Data Recoding Form


Task 1:  Register yourself with


  Time: 5 minutes



  Participant Action                                           Notes


  login/Registration clicked





Task 2:  Browse product by Aisle and put products in the shopping cart


  Time: under a minute



  Participant Action                                           Notes


  Browse by Aisle Clicked



Task 3:  Checkout


  Time:  under a minute



  Participant Action                                           Notes


  Checkout Navigation button clicked



Pre Task Questionnaire 

Participant: Allan Sanedrin

Profession: Electrical Engineer


1.0 Do you own a computer or laptop? 

¨       Yes     

2.0 You consider yourself a 

¨       Expert Computer User

3.0 About how many hours do you use internet a week? 

¨       5-8 Hours

4.0 Have you ever purchased products online? 

¨       Yes

5.0 What do you think about doing your grocery shopping online? 

¨       Excellent Idea

6.0 What age group do you belong to? 

¨       36-40

7.0 What is your household income?

¨       100K+

Post Tasks Questionnaire

 1. What are your overall impressions of the Web site?

This is a very cool site.

 2. If you had to give the site a grade, from A to F, where A was exemplary and F was failing,    what grade would you give it, and why?


 3. Name three words or characteristics that describe this Web site.

Fast, organized and clean

 4. What are the three things you like best about the Web site?

I like the navigation and the ease at which you can order products.

 5. What are the three things you like least about the Web site?

I think the website could show a little more information. Too many links on the left side.

 6. If you could make one significant change to this Web site, what change would you make?

The ability to save a grocery list should be implemented.

 7. Would you return to this Web site on your own in the future? Why / why not?

Yes I would. It is a good concept.

 8. What would entice you to return?

I think the concept more than the site. The website does make it easy to establish orders.

 9. Are there materials you would like to see added to the Web site? Which ones?

Just the ability to save a grocery list and maybe more promotional stuff like for sales.

10. Would you recommend this Web site to a colleague? To a friend?


11. Do you have any other questions or comments about the Web site or your experiences with it?

Not at this time.


Data Recoding Form



Task 1:  Register yourself with


  Time: 3 minutes



  Participant Action                                           Notes


  login/Registration clicked





Task 2:  Browse product by Aisle and put products in the shopping cart


  Time:  Under 1 min



  Participant Action                                           Notes


  Browse by Aisle Clicked



Task 3:  Checkout


  Time:  Under 1 min



  Participant Action                                           Notes


  Checkout Navigation button clicked



Team Contribution


Allan Sievert:  Website programming and documentation


Sumit Mukhia:  Website design/development and documentation