Detailed Design



The purpose of this document is to produce a design document based on business requirement and functional requirements specified in the Analysis phase. The document presents the detail design of the back end database along with class diagrams and Interface design.

1.0 Project Description and Scope

Groceries-To-Go is an online grocery pick-up service. Customers can go to our site to order groceries, pay for it online, and schedule an exact time to pick up their groceries - already bagged and ready to go. We would have partnerships with local grocery chains that provide the freshest foods and produce.

2.0 Detailed Design

2.1. Overview of Application Changes

Users will be able to join facebook account and follow us on our twitter account.

2.2 Significant Algorithm

The major functionality of the application is to allow users to order products and schedule pick up time. The sudo code below explains the ordering and time scheduling process.

get buyer data and shopping cart data from web forms

insert buyer data into buyer table


start order by creating row in orders table

get current orderId

for each item desired

     check available inventory

    if inventory is available

            write item to order table

            decrement inventory

               allow user to set the pickup time


            set error variable to true


end for loop

if error variable is true



   get total for items for the order update orders table 

2.2.1 The package diagram below shows the pickup procedure.



2.2.2 The following class diagram shows the grocery pick up class diagram.


2.2.3 Descriptions

a.   User

This class handles all user actions. The User class is the super class of Customer and Administrator. It includes the private methods to verify the login of the user. The verifyLogin() method is called when the user clicks the "Sign In" button on the Login.aspx Web form. It returns true if the login is successful, false if it is not.

b.  SessionManager

The SessionManager class supports the User’s required operations like getUser() and getGrocer(). The getUser method is called when the user information needs to be displayed. The getGrocer() method is used to get an existing participating grocer. When the user needs to get a product, the system has to start from the Session Manager and navigate down to the Product class.

c.   Administrator

This class handles the Administrator actions. It inherits all the User class responsibilities and its functions. The functions createGrocer(), createDepartment(), createCategory(), createProduct() are called when the administrator has to create/add a new grocer, department, category, or product respectively to the database. Similarly, operations like deleteGrocer(), deleteDepartment(), deleteCategory() and deleteProduct() are called when deleting a grocer/department/category/product respectively from the database. For these delete operations to be valid there should be at least one grocer, department, category and product already existing in the database.

Conditions for createProduct Operation

·         Purpose: To enable Administrator to create and add new products to the database.

·         Pre Condition: Administrator must be logged in to be able to create a new product. Also, the department and/or category to which the new product is to be associated should exist in the database.

·         Post Condition: Product will be added to the corresponding department and/or category.

·         Input: Administrator will enter the name and necessary details to create a new product and click "Add" button to complete the action.

·         Output: After the action, the changes to the catalog will be updated and saved and a message will be displayed accordingly.

d.   Customer

This class handles the customer actions. It inherits all the User class responsibilities and its functions. The updateProfile() method is called when customer wants to edit, update and save his/her personal information on the website for future use. But to update profile, customer must register and login through the Register.aspx and Login.aspx Webpage which uses the register() and login() methods.

Conditions for Login Operation

·         Purpose: This is implemented to enable user authentication. A valid user account must be used for an existing customer.

·         Pre Condition: The customer should be registered with website and should have a valid userid and password.

·         Post Condition: Customer will be able to browse through the website.

·         Input: The customer can login to the Groceries-To-Go website by entering his user name and password.

·         Output: The system will verify that the login name matches the login password. If the user name or password is invalid, the appropriate error message will be indicated and the user will be requested to re-enter user name and password. If the user inputs are valid, the main page will be displayed.

e.   Grocer

This class has all grocers that have partnered with Groceries-To-Go. This class has a private method called getDepartmentInGrocer() which is used get all the departments from the grocer. A grocer may contain zero or more departments.

f.   Department

This class has all different department lines from produce to health & beauty. This class has a private method called getCategoryInDepartment() which is used get all the categories in a particular department. A department may contain zero or more categories and the corresponding products.

g.   Category

This class has all different categories for the corresponding departments. This class has a private method called getProductsInCategory() which is used get all the products belonging to a particular category and department. A category can belong to one or more departments. Also, a category can contain zero or more products.

h.   Product

This class represents a collection of products of a particular category and/or department. The displayProduct() and getProductDetails() method are called when the user clicks on a product or on the "Search" button on the Search.aspx Web form. The displayProduct() method is used to retrive image of the product and getProductDetails() method retrieves its details as a data set whenever a customer clicks on the product. A product can belong to one or more departments and/or categories.

i.   ShoppingCart

ShoppingCart class has all the products that are added by a customer to buy. The addCartItem() and deleteCartItem() methods are called when customer performs actions like "Add to Cart" and "Delete" of products on the ShoppingCart.aspx Webpage. The updateQuantity() method is called when Customer clicks "Update" button on ShoppingCart.aspx Webpage to increase or decrease the number of products in the cart. Also, viewCartDetails() method is called when customer clicks on the "View Details" button to see a summary of the cart. It will display the summary only when cart is not empty, else it will display "Your Cart is empty."

Conditions for addCartItem Operation

·         Purpose: This is implemented so the customer can add products to shopping cart while searching or browsing catalog.

·         Pre Condition: The customer must be logged in to add a product to the cart.

·         Post Condition: Product will be added to the shopping cart.

·         Input: When customer finds the products he wants, he adds them to the shopping cart by clicking on the "Add to Cart" button.

·         Output: Product will be added to the shopping cart and the system will store and keep track of the information of products that have been added into shopping cart.

Conditions for Checkout Operation

·         Purpose: To allow customer to buy the products added to the shopping cart.

·         Pre Condition: Customer must be logged in and must have at least one item in shopping Cart to be able to checkout and place the order.

·         Post Condition: Customer will be successfully checked out and will be able to edit his profile information and place order.

·         Input: When the customer finishes shopping, he requests to checkout by clicking "checkout" button on ShoppingCart.aspx page.

·         Output: If the payment information of this customer already exists, the system prompts the customer to review or input a new one. If the credit card is valid, the order form will be processed by the system and checkout is complete.

j.   Orders

This class will store all information regarding the orders made by each customer. The placeOrder() method is called when customer clicks on the "Place Order" button on the Order.aspx Web form. It returns true if the order is placed successfully, false if it is not. The "Place Order" button will be enabled only when customer has a valid shopping cart and has entered valid personal, billing and pick-up details.

Conditions for placeOrder Operation

  • Purpose: To allow customer to place an Order for buying the products added to the shopping cart.
  • Pre Condition: Customer must be logged in and must have at least one item in shopping Cart to be able to place the order. Pick-up date and time also needs to be specified. In terms of payment, customer should have correct profile information and valid Credit Card details entered into the system.
  • Post Condition: Customer will be successfully able to place the order.
  • Input: When the customer finishes shopping and has determined a designated date and time to pick-up items, he requests to place an order by clicking "Place Order" button on the Order.aspx page.
  • Output: If the profile information, payment information the credit card of this customer is valid, the order form will be processed by the system and order is placed.

k.   PickUpInfo

This class handles the pick-up information regarding every customer and their orders. The schedulePickup() method is called when customer schedules a pick-up date and time and clicks the "Schedule Pick-Up" button on the Order.aspx Webpage.

l.   OrderDetail

This Class handles details regarding every order that the customer makes. The calcPrice() method is called to calculate the total amount of the order placed. The method also calculates the total amount of the order including pick-up charges.

3.0 Data Structure (Data Models and Tables )


3.1 ER Diagram


3.2 DML Statements

DROP TABLE OrderProduct;
DROP TABLE Customer;

             city VARCHAR(50),

             customerid IDENTITY,

             email VARCHAR(50),

             firstname VARCHAR(50),

             lastlogin datetime,

             lastname VARCHAR(50),

             middlename VARCHAR(50),

             password VARCHAR(50),

             phoneno VARCHAR(50),

             postalcode VARCHAR(50),

             state VARCHAR(50),

             street VARCHAR(50)




            ADD PRIMARY KEY (customerid);



             address VARCHAR(50),

             city VARCHAR(50),

             grocerid IDENTITY,

             grocername VARCHAR(50),

             postalcode VARCHAR(50),

             state VARCHAR(50)




            ADD PRIMARY KEY (grocerid);



             description VARCHAR(50),

             imgsource VARCHAR(50),

             productid IDENTITY,

             productname VARCHAR(50),

             unitsaleprice double DEFAULT 0,

             unitsinstock int DEFAULT 0




            ADD PRIMARY KEY (productid);



             actualpickupdatetime datetime,

             arrangedpickupdatetime datetime,

             conveniencecharge double DEFAULT 0,

             coupontotal double DEFAULT 0,

             customerid int DEFAULT 0,

             grocerid int DEFAULT 0,

             orderdatetime datetime,

             orderid IDENTITY,

             ordertotal double DEFAULT 0,

             producttotal double DEFAULT 0,

             taxtotal double DEFAULT 0




            ADD PRIMARY KEY (orderid);


CREATE TABLE OrderProduct (

             orderid int DEFAULT 0,

             productid int DEFAULT 0,

             productquantity int DEFAULT 0



ALTER TABLE OrderProduct

            ADD PRIMARY KEY (productid, orderid);


ALTER TABLE OrderProduct



4.0 Interface Design

4.1 Improved high fidelity wireframe of

Improved high level wireframe for

4.2 Mobile phone interface for


4.3 Medium fidelity prototype for



Web interface will coded using XHTML 1.0 STRICT. This standard is based on W3C. 

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> 

The Mobile site will be coded using XHTML MP 1.0

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.0//EN" "">

4.4 Content will be styled using an external CSS style sheet. Basic CSS for the site is as follows:




line-height: 1.5em;




width: 940px; /*Width of main container*/

margin: 0 auto; /*Center container on page*/}



height: 90px; /*Height of top section*/



float: left;

width: 100%;



margin: 0 290px 0 180px; /*Margins for content column. Should be "0 RightColumnWidth 0 LeftColumnWidth*/




float: left;

width: 180px; /*Width of left column in pixel*/

margin-left: -940px; /*Set margin to that of -(MainContainerWidth)*/

background: #C8FC98;



float: left;

width: 290px; /*Width of right column*/

margin-left: -290px; /*Set left margin to -(RightColumnWidth)*/

background: #FDE95E;



clear: left;

width: 100%;

background: black;

color: #FFF;

text-align: center;

padding: 4px 0;



clear: left;

width: 100%;




padding: 4px 2px 2px 2px;


#bottomNav a{

color: #FFFF80;



margin: 10px; /*Margins for inner DIV inside each column (to provide padding)*/

margin-top: 0;


5.0 Navigation Schemes 

Top Navigation: Main Navigation

Grocer | Browse Aisle | My List | Shopping Cart | Check Out |

Left Horizontal Navigation: Quick links to list of different grocery types

 Bakery | Breakfast| Beverages | Canned & Packaged | Condiment & Sauces | Dairy | Frozen | Pasta, Sauces, Grain | Meat & Seafood

Bottom Navigation: Information and help

FAQ | General Help |Privacy Policy | Order Pick Up Information| About us | Site Map

Mobile Phone Navigation:



5.1 Information Architecture

5.2 Page Content Information

1.      Home ( Users accessing the site using mobile phone will be redirected to the mobile interface.

a.      Logo

b.      High Level Navigation (Main Navigation)

c.      Search Button

d.      Sub Navigation

e.      Deals

f.        Company Info

g.      Add or Promotion

1.1  Log In: User can log or register with the site.

1.2  My Account: My Account will display past purchases or activities. Your available coupons or favorite items etc.

2        Grocer: The grocer page will provide user with the list of grocers they can do their shopping from.

3        Browse Aisles: List of different types of groceries.

3.1  General Grocery:

3.2  Produce Stand:

3.3  Meat & Seafood:

3.4  The Daily:

3.5  Health & Beauty:

3.6  Wine & Spirits:

4        My List: List of products

5        Shopping Cart: Your Shopping cart or list of products you just bought.

6        Check Out: Check out or finalize purchase

6.1  Schedule Pickup: In this page user schedules a pick up time for their order.

6.2  Order Summary/Print Receipt: Summary of the order. Here user can either save and print the receipt of the order.

7        FAQ: Answers to most frequently asked questions by the users.

8        General Help: Help and support generally with technical aspect of the website.

9        Privacy Policy: Describes the privacy policy of

10    Shopping Information: Information to users about shopping with

11    About us: Allows user to look at the company profile.

11.1          Mission : The mission statement of the organization.

11.2          Partners: Shows the list of grocers, the organization partners with.

12    Site Map: Displays the map of the site.

6.0 Testing Consideration - Usability Testing scenarios

6.1 Executive Summary

The following paragraphs contain the methodology that our team will use in order to carry out an informal usability test for our website. The purpose of the usability test is to identify possible anomalies linked to the website’s interface that could hinder potential users from our target audience from accomplishing tasks associated with purchasing products.

6.2 Document Overview 

Usability test is a vital step to improve the ICA ’s online registration system efficiency. According to Dumas and Redish,Usability Testing is an applied form of experimentation used by developers to test whether the product they develop is usable by the intended user population to achieve their tasks.”[1]   

The objective of the usability test will be to identify users’ difficulties in performing tasks. The reasons for such difficulties can be a consequence of navigation errors linked to misinterpretation of the interface and/or system defects.

The usability test of our website’s online purchase system will be carried out with the participation of a pool of ten (10) individuals. The chosen individuals who will carry out the usability test represent potential clients, having average technological skills. After the test have been carried out and analyzed, our team will be able to make modifications to the system and improve its user interface and efficiency. 

We will carry out the usability tests in an informal manner. We will give the users several tasks to perform while “thinking aloud”, in a neutral environment. Team members will be taking notes and will not influence the test participants while they are performing their tasks.

6.3 Methodology

In order to conduct usability tests, it is important to select a list of heuristics or principles and test the system’s user interface to identify usability issues that could mislead users.[2] We selected a list of common used heuristics directly taken from, developed by Jakob Nielsen. They have been reproduced here:

-          Visibility of system status (making sure the system provides adequate feedback to the user while performing the task)


-          Match between system and the real world (using concepts, words and phrases that are clear and understandable to the user)


-          User control and freedom (allow the user to go back and forth between different steps , editing input and exiting the system)


-          Consistency and standards (use of the same terminology and wording in every page)


-          Error prevention (providing feedback about incorrect or invalid input)


-          Recognition rather than recall (provide a clear path-finding layout)


-          Flexibility and efficiency of use (are there redundancies that prevent users from accomplishing tasks in a quick and efficient manner)


-          Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors (providing feedback and possible solutions)


-          Simplicity (user perceives the system is easy to use)


6. 3.1 Participants

Participants will be at least 18 years old (for legal purposes). The main characteristics for their eligibility are their belonging to our target audience and possessing average technology skill level. Participants do not need to be familiar with the evaluated tasks and do not need to have a specific background.

6. 3.2 Roles

Our team identified three different roles for the purpose of our test:


-          Test facilitator: in charge of informing the participants of the tasks they will have to accomplish, provide instructions before the test and give the legal consent form. If the user is completely stuck during the test, the test facilitator will ask questions about why they are experiencing difficulties.


-          Data logger: team members in charge of observing the participant while effectuating the tasks and writing down test progression, results and feedback.


-          Test participant: person who carries out the tests. They will be asked to sign the legal consent form authorizing our tem to perform the usability tests. The participant will never have used the system previously and will perform typical tasks, bringing any difficulties they may have to the team’s attention. This person will provide constant feedback by “thinking aloud” and will at the end give an overall evaluation of the website’s user interface by filling out a survey related to the heuristics listed in the beginning of this section.


6.3.3 Persona

The team has developed the following persona which is meant to be representative of persons who visit our website with the intent of buying a product.

John Walkins is a 38 year old manager at Harley-Davidson Financial Services.  He is a very busy professional, experienced in the management and financial fields. John earns an average salary of $70.000 a year. If John is still single, his job takes most part of his time schedule. As he prefers spending his precious time with other priorities, John often shops for groceries online. In his case, this has been the most effective way of realizing this house chore in order to save time. On the other hand, he hates the need of going home earlier to wait for the company’s delivery service. Actually, he would like to avoid such step. John has also average technological skills.

6.3.4 Scenarios

Test participants will be asked to carry out the following five typical tasks while standing in for the persona created above.

·         Find out where to register or log in.

·         Go back and change input (i.e: name, address, etc…) before finalizing the registration.

·         Find out where to contact us for customer assistance.

·         Find different categories of products.

·         Understand our concept (of picking-up own groceries)

·         Go through the process up to the payment step, where the usability test will end.






Allan Sievert

Database Design, UML, Class Design, Class Description Algorithm, Documentation, Information Architecture

Sumit Mukhia

Documentation, Interface Design, Algorithem Wireframe, Page Content Information

Gian Avolio

Usability, System Analysis, Design, Testing Consideration and Interface Design


[1] IM 210 Usability Testing Lecture, David M Burns, DePaul University
