Requirements Analysis and Specification Document


1.0 Project Description

1.1          Objectives

Groceries-To-Go is an online grocery pick-up service. Customers can go to our site to order groceries, pay for it online, and schedule an exact time to pick up their groceries - already bagged and ready to go. We would have partnerships with local grocery chains that provide the freshest foods and produce.

  1.1.1      Goals and Messages

  a.    Primary and secondary goals of the product or service  

The Primary goal of our service is to generate wealth to our company. To do so, we need to provide our clients an efficient e-commerce platform. The secondary goal of our concept is to gather clients in our database to develop our customer’s loyalty for a more effective marketing analysis of their business needs.

  b.    Primary and secondary goals of the client  

The primary goal of our client is to avoid wasting time while grocery shopping. Our client will be able to shop for produce and products online, and pick them up at the grocery store whenever wanted during opening hours. 

The secondary goal is to shop for a variety of products from anywhere, thanks to an internet connection to access our website.

 c.     Primary and secondary audience description (interests, needs, skills, capabilities, assumptions)  

Our primary audience is mainly 20 to 45 year old professionals, The primary’s audience main interest is to save time while grocery shopping: they are willing to save free time with something else than household tasks. Its main need is to buy produce and products. Because of their busy professional life or other time-consuming activities, our primary audience cannot spend the time they need or want to shop in grocery stores.

Our secondary audience would be occasional customers that we will try to develop their customer’s loyalty. Their main interest would be also to save time for whatever reason hindering them to go shopping. If they have more time to spend with household activities than our primary audience, they also may be more interested in other factors such as the least expensive price.

 d.     Audience capabilities (platform, browser/app, connection speed, degree of net savvy and net experience)  

First, our client can access our website from any computer connected to the Internet. As our website will not include “heavy flash animations” for example, the user does not need to continually download software to run it. Plus, we will try to make its layout very intuitive and show the user each product by category. Our customer does not need to be tech savvy, just know how to surf the web and pay with a card or Paypal online.

  e.   Top three messages the product/services needs to convey  

Ø       Save time while grocery shopping

Ø       Pick up your purchase at the grocery store you purchase your items from, whenever you want during opening hours

Ø       You will be able to buy the same products available in store

 f.      After you've thought through these issues, rethink the goals 

The main goal is still the same: we will provide an online service that will save customers’ time while grocery shopping, eliminating their physical presence as a need, and giving them the opportunity to pick up their products whenever they want. The objective of our concept is to be profitable.

 g.    Are they the true goals or merely the obvious ones?  

As a company, our main objective is as we previously stated to make money, developing customer loyalty, attracting new customers and increasing our market share.


1.1.2 Content 

The site will contain the following elements 

Ø       Home page

Ø       Grocer

Ø       Browse Aisles

Ø       My list

Ø       Shopping Cart

Ø       Online Promotions

Ø       Special Deal

Ø       Online Purchase

Ø       User Login/Registration

Ø       User Account

Ø       Pick up schedule

Ø       Order Summery

Ø       Email Confirmation 

1.1.3 Structured and Interpretations

Ø       Search access to grocery products by type.

Ø       Ability to add and remove from shopping cart at any time.

Ø       Customer Login for managing shopping lists and billing profile for easy checkout.

Ø       Minimize pages. Most actions to be completed from the main front page through the use of tab and multipage controls.

1.1.4 Sensorial Design

Ø       Web page design will be consistent throughout having a clean and uniform layout.

Ø       Web pages will be intuitive and cross linked for easy navigation.

Ø       Website colors will be pleasing to the eye. There will be no flashy graphics or overwhelming animation.

1.1.5 Market Testing Who are the competitors for this product/service? 

The competitors for this service mainly website specialized on online grocery shopping. Plus, we should also include supermarket chains providing online shopping (Walmart). 

1.1.6 Potential Challenges 

Ø       Gourmet Grocery Online


Ø Food & Drink

Ø Gourmet Food



Ø       Shop Natural



Ø       Peapod Online Grocery Shopping 

1.1.7       What are the strengths and weaknesses of your site? 

One weakness from our website is that our target audience is still not aware of our existence. We would need to invest in an advertisement/marketing campaign. It would be interesting to invest in tagging our website at Google for example. 

1.1.8   Opportunities What are the best opportunities, and how can these be used to an advantage? 

The best opportunity is that we are the only service provider of such concept in the Chicago area. This is why we will star with online advertising targeting local customers as This means we do not need to do a nationwide advertising campaign, narrowing down our target and saving us money. 

3. Where are the best positions within the field of competitors?  

Most of our competitors have their business model based on the delivery of the purchased items. We will considerably save money as we do not have to invest on the logistics to delivery to the customer. Our positioning is different from most of our competitors. We are planning on developing partnerships with middle-sized grocery chains such as Dominick’s or Jewel-Osco, which are closer to our target audience in Chicago (such as Lincoln Park and Lakeview residents). We are not planning to have partnership with bigger supermarket chains such as Wal-Mart and Target, as they are too powerful to negotiate with and they have stores located far from residential neighborhoods. 

1.1.9 Target Demographics Age Group 

The age group that will use our website is comprised between 20 and 45 years old, as this age line represents mainly busy active professionals, which are our primarily target audience. Average Income

Customers who usually are clients of our partner grocery stores and who also accept to pay an additional fee for using our online service. This means they would accept to pay a little more than the in store price. Therefore, we are targeting customers that accept to afford paying more to save time: starting with an average annual income of $30,000? 

3. Level of expertise (beginner, intermediate or advance user) 

The level of expertise to use our website is the same of an average internet user that purchases online products and/or services. (Beginner) 


2. Impact Assessment 

Ø       Estimated 3000 users hitting the site per hour (9am-4pm CST) with up to 1000 during afternoon/evening (5pm-10pm CST) hours

Ø       Initial promotional and advertising efforts will significantly increase traffic shortly after launch

Ø       Website should be able to handle multiple orders

Ø       Dedicated staff to handle order fulfillment

Ø       Enhanced software to handle grocery pick-up scheduling 


3. Implementation Strategy           

3.1 Planning  

Ø       Identify team roles and responsibilities.

Ø       Define communication tools/techniques among team members.

Ø       Define contingency plans and strategies. 

3.2 Analysis 

Ø       Functional and non functional requirement analysis.

Ø       User requirement Analysis.

Ø       Competitive Analysis.

Ø       Sitemap.

Ø       State diagrams/use cases.

Ø       Paper Prototypes/Wireframes.           

3.3 Design 

Ø       Create design specification and produce high fidelity wireframe prototypes (User Interface Design)

Ø       Database design (Data Storage Design)

o        Normalization (3NF) and ER diagrams/Data Modeling.

Ø       Revise, review and agree on interface/database design.

Ø       Produce Detailed Design Document (DDD). 

3.4 Implementation and Testing 

Ø       Commence implementing the system.

Ø       System testing

Ø       Test and evaluate system against functional and non functional requirements.


4. Functional and Process Requirements 

4.1 Functional Requirements 

The following list provides the functionality requirements of the system. 

TR 4.1.1 Users should be able to view the list of Grocery stores associated with our site.

TR 4.1.2 Users should be able to browse through grocery items and place an order online.

TR 4.1.3 Users should be able to view their previous purchase and order same items again with just a click of a button.

TR 4.1.4 User should be able to create their personal profile (register with the site).

TR 4.1.5 User should be able to log in to the system using their username and password.

TR 4.1.6 Users should be able to schedule a pick up time.

TR 4.1.7 Users should be able to pay for their purchase online.

TR 4.1.8 Users should be able to search for items or stores through a standard search box powered by Google.

TR 4.1.9 The system should send an email confirmation to user after the user makes a purchase.

TR 4.1.10 The system should display promotions from all the stores associated with our site.


5.0 Information Architecture 

5.1 High Level Site Map



5.2 Process Flows

Activity Diagram: Online Grocery Store


5.2.1 Create Personal Profile (TR 4.1.4)

5.2.2 Login System (TR 4.1.5)

5.2.3 Ordering Process

6. Interface Requirements/Specifications

6.1 User Interfaces 

6.1.1 High Level Wireframe: Global Navigation







     Site logo


Site Global Navigation and search box


     Global Navigation

     2.2 [TR 4.1.8]

     Search Bar









6.2.1 High Level Wireframe Main Page/Home Page






         Site Logo


Global Navigation and Search box


          Global Navigation


          Search Box


Sub Navigation


Deals and Info




           Company Info


Quick Links

6.2.2 High Level Wireframe Grocers






         Site Logo


Global Navigation and Search box


          Global Navigation


          Search Box


List of Grocers


Main Content




           Grocery Category


            Grocers Add/Promo


Quick Links

6.2 Hardware Interfaces

TR6.2.1 Use Microsoft IIS 6.0 Server

TR6.2.2 Follow warm over failover approach to provide a standby system that is immediately available to accept user connections after a production system failure

TR6.2.3 Use Service Uptime 24/7 Monitoring tool to detect website downtime 

6.3 Software Interfaces 

TR6.3.1 Connect to MS Access Database

TR6.3.2 Use Visual Studio.NET 2005 express edition to implement the web application 

6.4 Communication Interfaces 

TR 6.4.1 Email service provided by Microsoft exchange server

TR 6.4.2 Provide RESTful Web Service for third party web applications to interact with the site

TR 6.4.3 HTTPS (SSL) protocol for secure online payment


7.0 Information and Data Requirements

7.1 Data Requirements 

TR 7.1.1 Table for 

TR Customer_TBL (holds customer data)

TR Order_TBL (holds order details)

TR Grocer_TBL (holds grocer details)

TR OrderProduct_TBL (Junction table for Order and Product)

TR Product_TBL (product details)


8. Non-Functional and Support Requirements 

8.1 Operational Requirements           

8.1.1 Availability 

TR System will be available 24/7 [TR6.2.3]

TR Response time within 5-8 seconds

TR Maintenance and upgrade will be done on the development server and then uploaded to the production server after completion. 

8.1.2 Capacity Requirements 

TR Approximately 15,000-20,000 users are expected to use the system from 11:00 AM to 11:30PM.

TR Approximately 0-500 concurrent transaction is expected from 11:00AM to 2:00PM

TR Approximately 500-1500 concurrent transaction is expected from 2:00PM to 7:00PM.

TR Approximately 0-200 concurrent transaction is expected from 7:00PM to 11:30PM.

8.1.3 Maintenance and Production Support

TR8.1.3.1.Schedule maintenance and Upgrades to take place between 1:00AM-4:00AM

TR8.1.3.2 Schedule maintenance and upgrade will be conducted on the development server first.

8.2 Security Requirements 

TR8.2.1 Users are authenticated before they purchase from the site or assess their personal data.

TR8.2.2 Symetric Encryption (secret key) used to encrypt users login password. 

TR8.2.2 Use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) for secure online purchase

TR8.2.3 Transaction to be logged in case roll back required.  

8.3 Approval of Technical Requirement




Approval Date

Allan Sievert

Developer/Owner: Groceries-To-Go


Sumit Mukhia

Analyst: Groceries-To-Go


Gian Avolio

Project Manager: Groceries-To-Go



9.0 Contribution




Allan Sievert

Objectives; Structure and Interpretation ;Sensorial Design; Impact Assessment; Information Architecture; Team Website Update

Sumit Mukhia

Content, Implementation Strategy; Interface Requirement/Specification (User Interface, Hardware Interface, Communication Interface, Information and Data Requirement; Non-functional Requirement and Support.

Gian Avolio

Project Management; Goals & Messages; Market Testing; Potential Challenges; Opportunities; Target Demographics