Silver Team

1. Introduction:

Sole Resale Boutique, Inc. resale's women, men, and children clothing. The company operates similar to resale stores, good wills, consignment stores, the Salvation Army, and thrift stores.

1.1 Purpose:

The goal of usability testing is to find any issues within the design of with the incorporation of a user test group, by testing we can help improve customer satisfaction.

2. Problem Statement and Test Objectives:

Each of the scenarios represents primary functionality of the web site, aimed towards achieving a higher overall customer approval rating.

  • signing up for membership
  • Search products by category
  • Add items to the shopping
  • Specifically, for each scenario, we want to know.

    1. If the features are easily accessible

    2. If the site is easy to navigate

    3. If the primary features are functioning properly

    3. User Profile:

    The primary users of were gathered through market research and specified teen through adult age range.

    3.1 Mission and Goal:

    The Sole Resale Boutique would like to reach out to all trendy shoppers looking for great bargains and overall fun experience. The store has a lot offer by way of style and price to fit anyones budget and minimize check out time.

    3.2 Primary Personae:

  • Teens age 12 and up
  • Adults and their children
  • Shoppaholics
  • InStyle shoppers
  • Fit any budget shoppers
  • 4. Test Design:

    Testing of usability and functionality will be a strong component of whether or not the site is successful in satisying our customers needs.

    4.1 Intro:

    The facilitator will greet the participants and explain the purpose of the Usability testing.

    4.2 Consent:

    The tester will agree to a consent form and proceed with answering a series of questions presented by the issuer.

    4.3 Feedback from Customers:

    The gathering of information regarding visual display of the site features and links from our selected group.

    4.4 Closing:

    The issuer will keep answers to all questions asked by the participator and thank him/her for her time. Also any additional comments will be kept.

    4.5 Task List:

    A series of questions to help better suite user experience at and improve upon overall design.

    1. Sign up for Membership

  • Click on join link

  • - The participant should be redirected to a page that allows them to enter their information

    - Once submitted, customer information will be saved and should receive confirmation

    2. Search products by Category

  • Available links to search for women's, men's, or children's clothing

  • 3. Add items to Shopping Cart

  • Scroll through list of merchandise images and select add item to cart

  • 5. Detailed Task Identification:

    Sign up for Membership

    The participant should be redirected to a page that allows them to enter their information

  • The layout should be a clean page with text fields including Name, Address, City, Zipcode, State, Date of Birth

  • Task Completion: Once the user completes the mentioned steps

    Search Products by Category

    The participant should be able to view specified clothing by click on any of the available links Male, Female, Child

  • Each page should have pictures showcasing available merchandise as well as sizes and colors

  • a. The user has the option of click either Male, Female, Child

    b. Each link should take the user to another page where merchanidse is presented based on the matching of the criteria

    c. The user has the option of changing their mind by clicking into another link

    Task Completion: Once the user completes the mentioned steps

    Add items to Shopping Cart

    The goal for this functionality could be allowing the customer the ability to add an item to the shopping cart without leaving the page they are on

  • The shopping cart should keep track of items for a specific user

  • a. User has the option of adding to cart

    b. Use has the option of deleting from cart

    c. Use has the option of modifying quantity of item(s) in cart

    Task Completion: Once the user completes the mentioned steps

    6. Test Roles:

    The usability test will be conducted by Chris Bandur who will fill all of the roles. This single person execution is for convenience and due to timing and schedule constraints.

    Facilitator: will help the participants with any questions or concerns they may have during the questionnaire in completing the tasks.

    Logger: Record information given in forms to collect specified data as the participant conducts the test

    Observer: View how the participant interacts with and the usability test

    7. System:

    Tested on a computer running either Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows Vista

    Run on browsers Fire Fox, Internet Explorer 7 and above, Google Chrome

    8. Evaluation Measures:

    During each task, data will be collected by the Facilitator and compared against other completed tests to achieve an ideal set of criteria.


    Lomahan, Rhoel - ECT 355/455 E-Commerce Web Site Engineering - Lecture Slides, Spring Quarter 2010, DePaul University.

    Monique Rolling:

    Task Leader, Contributed to Task List, Purpose, User Profile

    Chris Bandur:

    Contributed to Task Identification, Mission Statement, Problem Statements. The document editor for Deliverable E.

    Majed Alharbi:

    Contributed to the team's main website.

    Rajarethinam Asokkumar:

    Contributed to the team's main website and uploaded the Deliverable E website.

    Paras Mehta:

    Contributed to the team's main website.


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